



慮,因此建議要在信譽良好的店鋪購買行貨保障 權益。

Oceana是香港唯一一間獲得星野酵母官方代理的商店,商品全是日本原裝進口,嚴格 遵守運輸配送的指引,品質受到保證,顧客可以安心訂購。


平時到超市或烘焙店貨架購買的大多是活性乾酵母,只要製作時加水及少許糖分或麵粉,就可以即時活躍起來。星野酵母則屬於新鮮酵母,需要存放在0-5°C冷藏,使用量是 乾酵母的3-6倍,要提前24小時發酵才可以使用 (點擊進入發酵教學) 由於太高温會殺死酵母,令烘焙的發酵過程失敗,因此運輸



2 Things to pay attention when buying Hoshino Natural Yeast Leaven


Pay attention to the supply sources

When buying Hoshino Yeast, you may need to pay attention to whether the source of goods is licensed. Since Hoshino Yeast needs to be frozen when transporting, temperature will be strictly controlled during the delivery process to prevent the yeast to die. If you have concerns or

doubts about the source of the product which maybe parallel or fake product, you may not be realised by the packaging. However, the yeast may be inactive that causing money loss and food safety concerns. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase in a trustworthy licensed store.

Oceana is the only Hong Kong company that obtained the official agent of Hoshino Yeast from Japan. All products are imported from Japan and our quality is assured to deliver the highest standards of customer service.

Hoshino natural yeast leaven need to be stored at 0-5°C

Instant yeast is the most common form of yeast to be found in a common grocery store or baking store, it can be mixed directly into water and dry ingredients to rise. Conversely, active dry yeast such as Hoshino natural yeast leaven need to be stored at 0-5 °C and need to dissolve in

warm water for the proofing process 24 hours in advance. (Tutorial link) Since high temperature will kill the yeast and can cause the fermentation failure, therefore transportation and storage control should be strictly controlled.